Open theses

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General informations

We are pleased about every student who would like to write a thesis at the Institute of Power Electronics and Control of Drives. Please note the following information so that the choice of topic is successful and the start of the work runs as smoothly as possible.

The success of a thesis (Bachelor's and Master's theses) depends to a large extent on the chosen topic matching the respective interests of the student as well as the chosen focus of study. This is the only way to ensure that the work will be successful (and fun). Apart from mastering the material of the basic courses, it is not absolutely necessary that all courses in power electronics and/or control of drives have been attended. Rather, we see the thesis as an opportunity to either familiarise oneself with new topics or to deepen already known knowledge. The way in which students want to use the thesis is a necessary part of their own preliminary considerations.

Furthermore, we see the cooperation between supervisors and students as a central factor for success in our department. This results not least in intensive supervision during the thesis.

In general, our topics are always linked to the ongoing research projects at our department. Therefore, we recommend that students who are interested in writing a thesis related to power electronics or control of drives first inform themselves about the ongoing research on the personal pages of the scientific staff of our department. Here you will find a general description of the research project as well as a list of previously supervised theses.

Afterwards, students should seek direct contact with the staff members whose research area overlaps with their own areas of interest. In any case, it is advisable to have a personal conversation with the research associates. This should take place about one to two months before the planned start of the thesis (but can also take place at shorter notice). In the interview, the member of staff will give an overview of the topics currently available, although this should be an initial orientation for the student at this point. For this reason, it is advisable that students seek contact with several staff members.

Finally, the students should decide on the basis of their own interests what they would like to deal with within the thesis and inform the respective staff member about it. A further meeting takes place in which the topic with the associated goals is defined together, which is followed by the registration of the thesis in the department. This applies if the students have already completed the necessary preliminary work for registering a thesis in accordance with the examination regulations.

Students are also welcome to suggest topics for a thesis. For this purpose, contact should also be sought with the academic staff in whose research area the respective project fits. It is likely that they will also supervise the topic.

The following is a list of exemplary topics that can currently be worked on at our department:

Thorough literature research

Unfortunately, it is not to be expected that the contents of the lectures are sufficient to know everything about a subject. Therefore, a comprehensive literature search is necessary before, or at the beginning of, the thesis.

Planning and organisation

It is very important to draw up a plan together with your thesis supervisor at the beginning and to keep it updated throughout the entire duration of the thesis. Even though your own time planning depends on many factors that you cannot influence yourself, planning helps you not to lose sight of your goal. It is even more important to work systematically. For example, always write down all measurement results and describe how, when and where you measured.


A Bachelor's / Master's thesis is like a preparation for a professional job. At the end, results are expected against which your own work will be measured. The achievement of these goals is your own responsibility and the result of your own commitment. Meet regularly with your supervisor to discuss the process and content of the thesis.


It is not easy to concentrate on one subject for at least eight hours five days a week. Therefore, it is advisable to find a balance in another area. For me, it was doing sports at least once or twice a week for about an hour. As the Latin saying goes: “mens sana in corpore sano”.

Work together

It is important not to become lonely while working. Fellow students and academic staff other than your own supervisor can also help with problems. It is very important to exchange thoughts and experiences. The student workroom in particular is a haven of creativity and exchange.

Midterm presentation

The midterm presentation is an important moment when you can discuss your work with the professor for the first time. This is an opportunity for further feedback. Even if the interim presentation went very well, it is important to continue to work on your topic with the same concentration and motivation in the second half of the paper.

Author: Lucas Koleff.